We are regularly working on the improvements of our platform. Hence, you are getting super updates on a regular basis. This month, we have huge updates for you on sBusinesss platform. If you are using the fastest-growing employee management platform – digiGO then this update is really important for you. Let’s review the updates quickly.
1. Payroll Data Visibility
There can be multiple super admins per business account of the sBusiness platform. However, HR does not want all of them to have payroll data visibility. We have built a mechanism where HR can be defined which super admins can have access to payroll data. Right now, HR can request the sBusiness KAM (Key Account Manager) of digiGO to do it on their behalf.
2. Auto Tax Calculation For Beta Testers
Our payroll beta users in the digiGO platform can see view auto tax calculations in the sBusiness portal. Visit the sBusiness portal and click on the “HRM Solution” tab. Then kindly click on the “Payroll” tab and press the “Edit Pay” button. You can see “Tax Amount” as per rules there. Admins who didn’t update co-worker’s gender tax will be calculated considering the co-worker as male. Hence, it’s important to update the personal information of the co-worker from the super admin end.
3. Re-invite & Mandatory Fields in Co-Workers:
2 new mandatory fields, Gender, and Joining Date in Coworker add journey
Now admins can “Re-invite” co-workers to use digiGO if they are not active yet
Now admins can “Re-invite” co-workers to use digiGO if they are not active yet. Additionally, admins can add multiple check-points & validations for smooth onboarding & co-worker management. We have added two basic mandatory fields in the co-worker section when admins try to active co-workers from their end. One is the gender of the co-worker which is needed for tax calculation and another is the joining date for leave prorate calculation. On the employees’ side, they can add more personal information in the digiGO app profile section. Employees can edit and update it anytime.
4. Overtime Calculation
Now admins can see co-workers overtime in the “Attendance” tab. If employees work after office hours overtime will be auto-calculated. However, it will not be reflected on the salary unless admins change the settings.
5. Work From Home & Field
Admins are now able to check whether employees are checking in from home or field. Moreover, reporting has multiples filters. The more you get filters the more you know the summary swiftly.
6. Smart Reporting:
Preparing attendance & leave balance reports of inactive co-workers or the co-workers who left the organization is easier now. HR can filter inactive co-worker’s attendance and leave reports. Along with that, in the leave balance section admins can customize the timeline too which they couldn’t do earlier.
7. Late Check-in / Early Check-out Timestamp
While giving remote attendance now employee needs to provide remote mode (Home or field visit). Previously, late check-in or early check-out time stamps counted when co-workers provide notes on that. Now, when co-workers press the attendance button for 2 seconds their system counts exactly on that moment. The co-worker can provide the note later on. A co-worker doesn’t need to wait until they provide a note.