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5 Spreadsheet Features to cut HR's work from hours to minutes

Writer's picture: sBusinesssBusiness

When it comes to data insights, it is easy to fall into the habit of Google Sheets. This routinely used tool is very helpful in offices to get the meaning from a handful of raw data. Even though the basic knowledge of spreadsheets is okay to get the job done, unlocking some hidden techniques will add some extra advantages to boost daily productivity. A few of those are

  • Splitting Cell Content Sometimes we get datasets of names in the same cell where we usually want them in two separate cells. Using the SPLIT formula, we can easily do this.

This function uses the cell reference as the first argument or value and space as the second argument. For example, if we want to split the A3 cell content before and after the space character into separate horizontal cells then we will have to input =SPLIT(A3, “ “).

  • Organizing Cell Content If a range of data appears in an organized way then the job of digging insights from the dataset gets easier. However, we usually don’t get raw data from the field in an arranged manner. Using the TRIM function we can easily fix this.

In order to organize a particular cell content, we need to select an empty cell right next to that cell. Then we need to press ‘=’ and type in TRIM(Proper(. After putting the first bracket for the second time, we need to select the cells that we want to organize and close the brackets. For example, we need to input =TRIM(PROPER(A2:A21l))

  • Understanding the trend of the column data Sometimes while going through the sales report, we just want a quick view of a particular row or column data without using charts. We can do this using the SPARKLINE function.

For example, if we want to understand the trend of data of the entire row or column, we need to select the cell where we want to see the glimpse and press ‘=’. Then we need to type in Sparkline. Right after we start writing Sparkline, it will appear in the suggestion list. So we have to select it and then we will have to highlight the cells we would like to and then press enter. Here is the formula =SPARKLINE(B2:B11)

  • Share comments and notifications directly to others Sometimes commenting on a particular cell for a person in a typical way has a high possibility of missing out on that comment especially when the rows or columns contain countless cells.

In that case, we can use the ‘+’ sign right after writing a comment on a particular cell. This will bring up our email directory here. From here we can select or type in that person’s mail whom we want to notify. As soon we click the comment button below, it will notify that selected individual of this comment.

  • Creating QR Codes Nowadays it is so easy to scan QR codes on our phones and go directly to a website or webpage. We can do it easily on google sheets. For example, if we have a list of different web pages and we want unique QR codes for each of them, all we need is a special string or line.

Here we need to use the function called image as in =IMAGE and we need to use this special google API"&A2&" to help us create a QR Code. All you need to do is copy and paste this string within “ “ right after the IMAGE function. However currently, this string is referencing cell A2.

In your case, you can put it according to the cell number of the web page.

In terms of storing, managing, and visualizing results from data on spreadsheets, these functions often work as a tunnel for employees by saving a bunch of their time. This will add some extra advantage to get more done while spending less effort.

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